Is iTOTO a better choice than System 12

Following up my thoughts in my previous article on TOTO: Winning over the long run — Go BIG or Go HOME, I was pretty interested to zoom into a particular bet type for the lottery as it seemed to present a better chance (or probability) of winning at a lower cost. iTOTO versus System 12 SingaporeContinue reading “Is iTOTO a better choice than System 12”

TOTO: Winning over the long run — Go BIG or Go HOME

Introduction to TOTO Lottery is part and parcel of many Singaporean families. Being “exposed to gambling” from young — us cousins in the family used to hang around our grandparents’ place every weekends and “tikam tikam” or guess numbers for their weekly bets. We picked individual numbers out of a jar for TOTO and 4D,Continue reading “TOTO: Winning over the long run — Go BIG or Go HOME”

Can Car Registration Number be a good investment?

In Singapore, like any other countries, every motor vehicle must have a vehicle registration number (VRN) to operate on the road. Each VRN is unique and like no other — it does not repeat and cannot be reused once discarded. Most motorists use the VRN automatically assigned by LTA when buying a new vehicle. ThereContinue reading “Can Car Registration Number be a good investment?”

And a Latte to go

A Latte, though, has got to be Starbucks. I like to pair my a la carte Big Mac with a Latte – only when there is a 1-for-1 offer at Starbucks. Just the day before, i used the Big Mac Index to gauge if foreign currencies are under- or over- valued relative to our localContinue reading “And a Latte to go”

One Big Mac, please

I have discussed the pros of capitalising undervalued foreign currencies by travel to another lower costs city/country via Quasi Geoarbitrage and buying more foreign currencies by taking advantage of foreign currencies drops. However, how would we know if the foreign currencies are under- or over- valued relative to our local currencies? The Big Mac IndexContinue reading “One Big Mac, please”